Monday, April 11, 2011

Week one toppled. Diet impeccable. Smoking and drinking vice has been crushed. A small failure perhaps in not totally ousting caffeine from ingestion. Instead, have been draining green tea in storms. I will accept this for now to be revisited at a latter date.

A greater peace of mind has come. More clarity, more motivation, more commitment to the "Every Two Weeks" concept. Quiting smoking sucks for three days and then is annoying for a whole week further. I am firm in that Cold Turkey is the way to go though. Why prolong addiction. Just stop, body freaks out for a few days, and then it's done. You've moved on.

Gym membership bought. Lifted weights for the first time ever. Enjoyed it. Got so sore could not move. Will hike and yoga and lift until body is molded a picture of health.

Next weeks "Two Weeks" begins Fri. Still plotting out the optimal plan. Will be I believe at this time, related to Scheduling Time efficiently and logging nutritional, financial, and goal setting.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beggining of Every Two Weeks

Started eating clean, no smoking, no drinking, no coffee and working out today.

Smoking is terrible, expensive and will kill you. I don't want people at my funeral for poor life choices.

Have been drinking too much. Besides it's expensive as well.

Coffee I'm addicted too and is probably making my skin worse.

Everything unhealthy for me stops today .